Adding Perspective results in Perspective Shifts (Interview)

If we start opening up to a new perspective - a perspective shift could occur, which bit by bit - has the ability to change the world. This is the problem that lies at the heart of so much hurt these days.

26ish minutes in:

MF: "What are the actions we can take right now that will help move the conversation or move things forward?"

BB: "I think one of them is start having the conversations with your kids, neighbors, partner, with your colleagues ...don't go in as the teacher, go in with curiosity and generosity. What do you think about what's going on?"

(((then Brene gives an example about a woman watching her facebook live discussion who was offended by the words 'white supremacist' so asked her husband to watch it - then give his opinion. Then she asked her teenage son to watch it and give his opinion)))....and she came to the conclusion that, 

"If everyone did that, the world would be different in 24 hours."

#Perspective #PerspectiveShift