Ever thought of your thoughts like this?

I never looked at religion like this…

I never looked at thoughts like this…

I never saw my story like this…

18:30 got especially good for me…

“Life is full of people making bad decisions…and we all make each other victims of our bad decisions. And that’s what Jesus modeled - he said, this is a decision that the world made and I’m facing that consequence and I have to look at that consequence and I have to self-regulate how am I going to do this, how am I going to operate love, how am i going to move through this, the model is what he did…”

And then Dr. Leaf talks about the process…

“You may have been traumatized by a rape or attack…you may be in a bad marriage…you’ve got a story…this is my story…I am in this situation. I’ve got to deal with this stuff. And that is a self-regulated process, and that’s where it starts…so just ignoring that, suppressing it, and saying okay i’m just going to put a bandaid on, and i’m just going to quote scripture over this thing…but I never deal with that, that doesn’t go away. That’s real. It’s alive. It’s living. It’s dynamic. It’s in your brain. It’s physically built. It’s connected to your mind. It has a spiritual element to it and it has a physical element to it. It’s dynamic, it’s there. No amount of toxic speaking of scriptures and that sounds like a paradox or contradiction…what makes it toxic?…because you’re not dealing with the issue…You’re not saying the scriptures, you’re just using the scriptures to hide this, to suppress this. So you’re taking the scriptures and putting a bandaid on that will fall off eventually, but haven’t dealt with it. Whereas the power in the scripture, it’s not the words —— it’s the behind what does it mean? What does bring our thoughts into captivity? What does think on these things? What does choose life? What does it really mean? That’s self-regulation. That’s self-reflection. That’s deep thinking.

What a perspective shift this had on me!

Hope this video adds some thought-provoking in your brain.

Thank you #StevenFurtick and #CarolineLeaf for making my brain hurt from thinking.

Jessie Fream